Financial Literacy

"It's A Money Thing"
Dive into SVCU's catalogue of videos focused on keeping our members informed and educated on a range of financial literacy topics. Protect your money, your identity, learn to identify fraud as well as tips and tricks for budgeting, managing credit or taking on home ownership. Still have questions? Please do not hesitate to reach out to any SVCU team member for support. T. 204.734.7828 or email.

Responding to Financial Emergencies!
Investing can seem like a very risky, complex and fast-moving process. With endless combinations of investment vehicles to choose from, it can be difficult to take your first step as an investor—especially with the knowledge that all investments carry the risk of losing some or all of your money. Learn more here about investments and don't forget, SVCU Investment Specialists are also available to answer any questions you may have, help you to get started or modify your current portfolio! Book an appointment today!